Telling stories well, by the numbers.

Sometimes, it’s easier to show you rather than tell you when it comes to sharing my life story. I’m so glad that you’re here, and hopefully these stats give you a more comprehensive view of the things I’ve done over the years!

musical/theatrical productions.

Behind every great changemaker and innovator is a phase, however short or long, of being a theatre geek. I blame this period of my life for my love of stages, of stories and of singing.

years of undergraduate.

Not the typical 4-year route, but because of the extensive and nationally recognized music business program at Belmont University, along with the rigorous honors program (and a shift in major emphasis), that bonus year served me well.

average age of my demographic.

A huge shout-out to the Gen Z generation, a brand and era of young men and women ready to change and shift the world culture, protecting the world and everyone/everything in it.

total YouTube views.

Even from middle school, I have admired creators on YouTube, the greatest search engine second to Google (who owns YouTube, so technically top two, including number two) where people share their lives, experiences and creativity with the world. The “toob” is not for the faint of heart.

or more Instagrams managed or redesigned.

Over the past couple of years, I have enjoyed the idea of taking the dreams and aspirations of others and being able to convert them into visual representations of their values, beliefs and goals - whether that’s an aesthetic feed, comprehensive branding, funky colors or just a whole brand redesign, I have loved the idea of cementing a personal brand.

person at a time.

That’s how we change the world. That’s how we make an impact. How can I open the heart, change the mind, expand the exposure and experience of one person? What is the next best, right, kind thing?

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